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Creatine, oh creatine! How we love thee. Creatine has time and again proven through an almost uncountable number of rigorous clinical studies to be the most potent supplement available to "natural" athletes. Boasting an array of tangible benefits that range from muscle hypertrophy, boosted stamina, enhanced cognitive function, and bolstered joint health; we at the Paradise Pump Team firmly believe that if you could only take one supplement it should be creatine. 


We love HTLT (Harder Than Last Time) as it is the company of hit Youtuber Gregg Doucette who has built his brand around transparency, integrity, and calling out the general bullsh*t pervasive in the supplement and fitness industry. We are proud to carry Gregg's products and hope you enjoy them as much as we do!


Now to quickly dispel some common myths:

Creatine is found naturally in our diets, it is a combination of amino acids, it is not a steroid, it is not a performance-enhancing drug, there is no relevant difference between creatine monohydrate or creatine HCL or "super creatine," creatine does not cause bloating, you do not need to undertake a loading phase and cycle on and off creatine; yet, we do recommend an optional loading phase as you will see results quicker, and lastly creatine can have a detrimental effect in the male pattern balding process; however this has only shown to be the case in individuals who are taking dosages exceptionally higher than recommended and who are already genetically predisposed to male pattern hair loss (this is because creatine allows you to lift more which causes your body to produce more androgenic factors which are also the cause of male pattern baldness in an unlucky few).

HTLT Creatine

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